Call : 9640215999

Maredumilli Tour Package From Vijayawada

Set along the slope of a forest clad hill, beside three branches of a sprightly mountain stream and broadening at the end of the slope, Maredumilli Resort is an exquisite jungle hideaway and a naturalist's treasure trove. Wrapped in the enchantment of a tropical rainforest, beneath an enormous interlaced Rubber Plants , stone paved paths fringed by tropical plants wind through leading to Maredumilli Luxury Cottages, designed in architecture influenced to a great extent by the vernacular of the region. The accommodations are spacious, equipped with the state of the art in amenities and verandas that look out at fabulous views of the forest - an intimate experience of the surrounding sights and sounds. 

For most part characterized by high rainfall, rainforests cover about 6 % of the Earth's surface and about 40% to 75% of all biotic species, a large part of plant species, including many exotic and beautiful flowers on the planet are indigenous to these forests. Scientists speculate that there may be millions of plants, insects and micro- organisms yet undiscovered in tropical rainforests.

Mountain Valley 

Opp: 4th Pillar Road Cum Rail Bridge

Near Jodugulla Temples,

Godavari Bund Rd, Tyagaraja Nagar,

Rajahmundry - 533101

Mobile : +91 9553537666, 9640215999
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Keywords : Maredumilli Tourism, Maredumilli Tour Package, Maredumilli Waterfalls, Maredumilli Forest, Vana Vihari, Maredumilli Resorts, Rampachodavaram Forest Trip, Maredumilli Accommodation, Birds Nest Resort Maredumilli, Top Rooms in Maredumilli, Maredumilli Eco Tourism Project, Maredumilli Reserve Fores

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